Education Training Inspectorate


ETI provides an update on the themes which will guide our work this academic year ... more
31 May 2024
Our new framework for inspection has been informed by, and co-designed with, schools and organisations... more
24 April 2024
The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) publishes two evaluation reports on digital skills provision in education... more

Our responsibilities


The purpose of inspection is to promote the highest possible standards of learning, teaching, training and achievement throughout the education, training and youth sectors.  

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Good Practice

The ETI promotes the dissemination of good and innovative practice identified across the education, training and youth sectors through inspection and evaluative work.

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Promoting improvement in the interest of all learners

We provide inspection services and information about the quality of education being offered to these organisations:

Our Organisation

The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) is a ‘unitary’ inspectorate and part of the Department of Education (DE), providing independent inspection services and policy advice for DE. The ETI holds the Customer Service Excellence award.

Contact us

Inspection Services Team
Department of Education
Room F29
Rathgael House
Balloo Road
BT19 7PR

Telephone: 028 9127 9726
