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5172 publications

Follow-up Inspection - Strabane Academy, Strabane, County Tyrone

Published 28 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - St Mary’s Primary School, Pomeroy

Published 27 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - Castlereagh Nursery School, Belfast

Published 27 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - Dungannon Primary School

Published 27 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - Clea Primary School, Armagh

Published 20 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - Our Lady’s Nursery School, Belfast

Published 13 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Baseline Inspection - Ballymoney High School

Published 11 June 2024Inspection reports

Follow-up Inspection - Naíscoil an Lonnáin, Belfast

Published 06 June 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - Craft Training Ltd

Published 31 May 2024Inspection reports

Pilot Inspection - Hundred Acre Wood Playgroup

Published 28 May 2024Inspection reports