Customer service standards

The Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) is committed to meeting the needs of its customers and stakeholders.

Regular monitoring

As part of the ETI’s commitment to meeting the needs of its customers and stakeholders, regular monitoring is conducted on the extent to which our published Customer service standards are met.  These service standards are divided into the following areas: communication, consultation, complaints, and service and performance levels.

The standards reflect the operational and organisational business and customer requirements, such as the overall quality of our customer service. ETI holds the Customer Service Excellence accreditation with full compliances in all of the associated standards, including 15 rated as compliance plus.

Feedback welcome

We aim to provide an efficient and effective service guided by our principles, values and standards. The ETI welcomes input on any particular strengths in the inspection process so these can be built upon or areas that we can improve so that these can be put right.

Customer service standards

The Customer service standards are designed to provide information on the standards of service customers and stakeholders can expect in dealing with the ETI and the Inspection Services Team (IST). IST provides ETI with administrative support in the work that it carries out. The extent to which the ETI and IST are meeting these exacting standards will be monitored on a regular basis and the outcomes will be published in our Annual Business Report.

A Charter for Inspection

A Charter for Inspection sets down the Code of Conduct for ETI working in partnership with all organisations during inspection.


All complaints to or about the ETI are investigated thoroughly and fairly according to our complaints procedure; and handled in confidence.